One of my colleagues told me to tell Willie that, " . . . pain is only weakness leaving your body". Of course, he rolled his eyes at me with that comment. Millions of kids and adults are dealing with braces pain as I write. It's not life threatening and the outcome is always good. So, I guess it's just something you overcome day by day.
I was quite impressed with the whole orthodontic process this morning. It was a very positive customer service experience.
- We were greeted enthusiastically as we entered the waiting room
- Willie was taken directly to the "lab" to have ex rays and molds done while I completed the paper work
- The payment was set up electronically -- credit card and debit for the full 18 months
- The patient room consisted of four chair stations and all patients were worked on within minutes of sitting in a chair -- each patient was attended to and help immediately and efficiently
- The orthodontist and his assistants worked as a team -- in concert together and, yes, they made progress
- The atmosphere was very open and professional
- There was music other than FM 100 in the background
- They really knew their routine -- they got down to business, on task, no time wasted
- Willie got to choose up to three colors of ties to go on the bands (he chose red and blue)
- He received some detailed instructions on braces care
- He left with his private pouch of braces supplies and we were given an electronically printed reminder for our next visit
I couldn't help dream about a school system running with such positive customer service -- efficient, professional, individualized -- where students and parents are always important and attended to. I guess in my work I hear more reports of the opposite kind of customer service. Yet, I know this can happen some day in all of our schools!