Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sick Day!

Everyone needs a sick day once in awhile, and today it is Willie's turn. Since August 1, my boy has been playing football. Football involves a lot of time practicing, running, stretching, running, practicing some more, and tons a physical and emotional effort.

Willie was asleep by 9:00 p.m. last night -- very unusual. He woke up this morning with aches and pains, a sore throat, and a headache. He was nervous about going to school sick because in 3rd grade I made him go to school sick -- and he puked at school. He couldn't bare the thought of getting in a serious sick predicament in junior high. So, I gave him some Tylenol and left him on the couch -- I went to work. He called me two hours later and said he had just woke up. I decided to head for home -- no meetings, luckily.

I know that he is just worn out -- football, junior high, homework, scouts, church, home stuff, growing pains, and everything else. Sometimes a sick day is the best option -- and guess what -- it's okay.


Jodi said...

Willie, Get Well Soon!

Anonymous said...

thanks mom i love you