Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life's Lessons

A year ago, we hit a family low point when Willie didn't make the junior high basketball team. It just didn't make sense -- big kid, pretty good skills, lots of experience, . . .

It was a difficult process to work through, but we did it, and we all lived to tell about it.

This morning, I drove the boy to school, entered the forbidden parking lot, parked in a visitor slot, told the boy to go in the school and check the "list", I waited. I waited. I had this sick feeling in my stomach. I waited. It seemed like and eternity, at least 50 students walked by and entered the school. Then I saw him, he came out the far south door, no indication of anything, I was sick inside. Then, I saw a sign, right arm thrust upward with conviction, and the right thumb pointing up! He made it! He made the final cut! He is on the basketball team! Yes!

January 2009, brought a new junior high basketball season. Willie participated in every open gym/intramural basketball activity. He prepared, every day, to do his best at the upcoming tryouts. He worked hard, made himself known, did his best (with prayers and faith), and then added some intensity. Behind the scenes, he prepared himself mentally for both a good or a not so good outcome. He knew before the first cut that he had given his very best. And he told us he felt good about tryouts either way. He definitely knew how his friends felt who didn't make the first or second cut.

Well, I am pleased to report that he made the first cut, then the second, then the third. He made the team! We know Willie is very blessed on or off the team. We're excited he can move to a new level of play -- new coach, new team members, new environment, new gym, . . .

The whole process has been a good learning experience for all of us --


Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

Oh how I know your feeling..our oldest, Staci, wanted to be in the Choirs at Cyprus...she too planned, prepared, had a pianist, did something she had never done in her life...put her talents on the line...she tried out! We too waited to hear if she "made it" or not...one day she went to school, all the kids that "made it" were in their PJ's because they were picked up early for initiation..she called in tears..I picked her up...from that day, she started voice lessons, worked hard and guess what..she "made it" the next year and has a beautiful voice!! Our second tried out for Hunter Jr High Dance Company...she worked hard, even taught a girl the dance that didn't have a clue before Kristi taught her...I got the call from school....the girl she taught the dance too "made it" but Kristi didn't...Oh my gosh...so bitter sweet...they have all gone on to work and try harder the next time and grew from their experiences, (and appreciated more their successes) but to not "make it" was so hard at first....Congratulations your son "made it" Woot Woot...he deserves it!!

fivewoods said...


Staples said...