Monday, February 21, 2011

That's about the size of boys in my family!

Elliott's first soccer game was a hit - especially the uniform. A few days before the game he told me that he wasn't sure what color his uniform would be, " . . . but, whatever color it is, Grandma, I will like it!" I think that response came as a result of some good pre-soccer preparation at home. Elliott can be pretty opinionated about teams and colors.

After the game the boys lined up for a photo opportunity with Uncle Willie. In a few short years they will likely be closer in height. In fact, my prediction -- Elliott (6'6"), Willie (6' 5 1/2"), Wyatt (6'4"). As for me, I am in the shrinking stage of life from a solid 6' to my present height -- 5' 10 1/2".


Bing Math said...

You're still taller than me, mom, even in your shrunken state.

Annie said...

I hope my boys hit your height estimates. that would be awesome.

I also don't want to shrink.