Monday, April 04, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday, and he is 82. It's been a tough few months for him with Mom's passing and all. He is very sad most days, but he manages to get up and get going every morning. He goes to work 5 days a week and that involves getting the mail, going to the bank, and doing some minor accounting and bookkeeping work for Huber Bro. Inc. He still owns Huber Construction and the property where his sons' business functions -- 947 W S Temple. Dad was just released from a church calling he has had for the past 29 years - Sunday School teacher. He would like to keep teaching Sunday School, but his emotions are too close to the surface right now. He and I have had some good talks since Mom's passing. He told me he doesn't plan to get married. The hardest thing he has to do right now is go to church by himself -- it's tougher than he ever imagined. He has always had someone sitting by him. He's a little upset that Mom didn't teach him how to cook. He goes to McDonald's every other Saturday or so to get breakfast, but otherwise he fixes breakfast on his own. He has told me he appreciates me more times than I can ever remember. He is nervous that he won't recognize Mom when he sees her again because she will be younger looking. Just yesterday he told me that he and Mom were married for time and all eternity but for Mom, time is gone -- she just has eternity while he has some time left. We celebrated Dad's birthday yesterday and because he is so superstitious that made him nervous. Celebrating a day early may have jinxed him. But, I called this morning to wish his Happy Birthday, and he informed me that in spite of the early celebration he lived another day. He's a good dad, and I am happy to be around to help him all I can. Longevity is in his genes. His mother lived to be 84 and his grandfather 94. I guess if he chooses, he can live a good life for years to come!


Annie said...

thanks mom. I liked your post. It made me sad, but I liked it.

fivewoods said...

Thanks, Judy. He does appreciate all you do for him!