Monday, March 12, 2012

Random Thoughts

I thought of something to write about earlier today, but by the time I got to my computer it had been filed too deep in my memory to remember. So, I guess this will just be random.

Politics -- the Republicans annoy me and the Democrats disappoint me. I think maybe Huntsman is right and our country needs a third, fourth, maybe five political parties. Then, we would have variety in our political choices for President.

Religion -- I feel sad for the people in the world who are missing out on religion. I love my religion. I love the places I go to worship. I feel a warmth, a calmness, a feeling of love and hope when I go to places of worship. I think the feelings I get are affirmations that my religion is a good thing. I like the standards my religion sets for living my life. They are pretty basic and built on common sense. Some would argue that paying tithes and offerings aren't necessary for religious commitment. In my opinion, making such offerings is in a way showing my level of commitment to what I believe.

Teen pregnancy -- Why do teens get pregnant and think they are ready for rearing children. In this day of the year 2012, you'd think that young teens could figure it out. (Oh, wait a minute, teens get pregnant because they can't define abstinence and/or their parents don't want sex education included in their school experience. Thank you Utah State Legislature!) I get so sad when I see young kids bringing precious little ones into the world. Having spent may weeks counseling teen moms, I know that unless the moms are educated (high school and beyond), the little ones are likely to end up in the same circumstances as their moms (and dads).

Public school system -- I have only 15 month left with a child in the public education system. I will be so glad! I have spent my entire career in public education, and I am almost never surprised at its inefficiencies and lack of attention to inspiring and motivating and empowering young people. For example, my son has been a top of the GPA system for a long time. Around November, I asked the school people if he should be getting into Honor Society (looks good on scholarship applications). Well, my son got an application for Honor Society and it was dated 2003. So, I sent an email off to the school to see if there was a more recent application (a nearly ten year old xerox copy seemed odd). Well, I found out there was a new one, so I asked if my son could get a copy. He got three all in the same day and two of the three in the same class period (c o m m u n i c a t i o n?): one on his own; one from the counselor; and, one from someone who had it delivered with my son's names (first and last)spelled wrong on the paper. Next, we completed all of the fill in the blank, by hand, application (no writable pdf or online application) and submitted it to the teacher in charge. Well a few weeks have come and gone and my son finally got an acceptance letter (see below) -- impersonal, one-size-fits all form letter, not on letterhead, no date, no mention of my son's name, a punishment in the second paragraph, no induction ceremony or dinner, no certificate. So sorry to report, this is not unlike many other experiences at our public school. Arggg . . . Fifteen months and counting!

1 comment:

Justin said...

Wow we think alike!