Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer is Slipping Away

It's July 12th, my sister Jackie's birthday.

One month from today is my nephew's wedding.

Football camp is now an all day thing and the first game is in a month.

Summer is slipping away and my "to do" list has more "to do" than "done".

I've been meaning to update my blog about our trip to Boston.
Maybe I can do a little every day.
A highlight was a whale watching adventure through the New England Aquarium. We took a boat ride about 30 miles out from Boston Harbor to a marine sanctuary where humpback and fin whales feed during the summer. It was absolutely amazing. We saw probably two dozen "blows" and a dozen or so actual whale sitings. Above is a nice picture of Willie -- we sat at the back of the boat on the upper deck. The weather was delightful, the trip was a little over three hours. I love the ocean, boats, sun, and everything. The other photo is a boat similar to the one we were on.


Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

Wow! Our summer is really slipping away fast too....yours sound really full, which makes it a fun summer for sure....just wanted to let you know Rob got his mission call today...Kennerick Washington mission leaving...get this...Sept 15th!! Holy Cow...2 months from today...this will be a whirlwind getting him ready...anyway..thought I would let you know...have a "rest of the summer fun time"

Leatham Family said...

You have two nephews getting married. One in just two weeks.