Sunday, January 09, 2011

Elvis Lives (or Lived) or Lives!

You know what I am talking about -- Elvis. Is he alive, is he dead, where is he, what happened to him? Too many questions and not exact answers! All I know for sure is that he was born -- Happy Birthday, Elvis -- January 8, 1935. You [Elvis] would be an "old duffer" if you were still alive. So, I will continue to remember you as one of the "dreams" of my youth.

We used to go to the Saturday matinee at the Gem Theater on Magna Main Street -- every Saturday. Most movies were 25 cents (Disney movies were always 35 cents). Mom would give us admission money and 15 cents for treats. My sisters and I saw every "kid-approved" movie in the 1960's. Our favorites were Elvis movies!

Flaming Star - Blue Hawaii - Follow That Dream - Kid Galahad - Girls! Girls! Girls! - It Happened at the World's Fair - Fun in Acapulco - Kissin' Cousins - Viva Las Vegas - Girl Happy - Harum Scarum - Frankie and Johnny - Spinout - Double Trouble - Clam Bake - The Trouble with Girls

I think my all-time favorite is Blue Hawaii. Elvis' name was "Chad-baby" in this film, and it was filmed many years before politically correct actions and words were used with women. When I watch it now, it makes my feminist side cringe, but oh well! I love the music and especially Elvis' dark black silky hair and the wedding scene at the end of the movie. My second favorite is Viva Las Vegas -- co star Ann-Margaret. Modern movies just can't compete with the singing, and the dancing, and the clothes, and the cars, and flying over Lake Mead in a helicopter!

A few years ago, I was at a meeting in Las Vegas. I stayed in the MGM Grand and there was an aura of Elvis in every area of the facility. He rode with me on the elevator, his music was soft and subtle. He was in the restaurants and in the lobby. My meetings were in the Las Vegas Convention Center and the Las Vegas Hilton. To get to the Hilton from the convention center, I walked through a long sky walk decorated with amazing photographs of the stars who had some connection with the Hilton. Needless to say, Elvis was alive and well in living black and white on the walls of the sky walk, every turn, every corridor. Amazing photos . . .

Elvis was born the same year as Uncle Bevan. If still alive, he would be 76. I am choosing to always remember Elvis of the 60s! And yes, he lives and will always live in the dreams of my youth (and in my over 55 adulthood)!

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

You are weird, mom.