Monday, January 16, 2012

And 1 more will make 4 -- grandchildren that is!

So in June another little grand baby will be coming to our family. Never in my wildest and widest imagination did I think I would have 3 grandchillins; and having 4 will be an amazing blessing!

Being a mother is more than I can explain in words. My three kids are strong, smart (above average), obedient (most of the time), good looking, funny, talented, and pleasant to be around. But, being a grandmother is something almost magical. When the little ones run into the kitchen on Sunday afternoon calling for me, my heart melts, and I can't think of anything better than a hug and a slobbery kiss from them.

I hope I can be a grandmother like my own mother and mother-in-law. I think often of my kids in their younger years and how they couldn't ever get enough grandmother time. I know it was a little different for Willie -- he only had about half the years with grandmothers that Annie and Haley had. But, I hope and pray my grandchillins will feel somewhat the same about me. I love them soooooo much!

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