Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Birthday, Haley Quinn


Haley was born on a Tuesday just after midnight. She has always been a very good daughter although in her toddler years she pinched me, bit me, and sometimes growled at me. As she grew up, I knew that she was going to be a very beautiful, smart, outgoing, meticulous adult. I love every stage my kids expereince, but for my daughters, I so enjoy watching them as mothers. Haley has her hands full with Molly and a new little one on the way, but she is taking it all in stride. Molly is always with her -- at ball games, shopping, cleaning the house, going to school, and more.

I am blessed to have two beautiful daughters, but today, Haley it is your day! Please know that you are loved, appreciated, and the best #2 daughter I will ever have.

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Thanks mom! Thanks for being a good mom!