Friday, July 06, 2012

Practical Gifts

Yesterday I took Elliott to swimming lessons.  It was raining so I grabbed the big umbrella out of the garage -- Wyatt and I didn't want to sit in the rain while Elliott swam.  Mom gave the umbrella to me several years ago -- one of those practical Christmas gifts that came from VF Factory Outlet. 

Today Annie and Haley and their kids and I went on a little picnic to Sugarhouse Park.  We took our stadium blankets to use as ground cover.  All were gifts from Mom/Grandma.  Annie and Haley have their names embroidered on their GAP blankets never to be mixed up (even though Haley has had Annie's for awhile). 

I mended a pair of pants a few weeks ago using stuff from the best sewing kit I have (complete with all mending supplies).  It was a gift from Mom a year or so before she passed away.  It's a little red basket with an apple pin-cushion for the top. 

Mom made sure we were well informed -- Reader's Digest, National Geographic, and National Geographic Kids were renewed annually.  Socks (3 pairs of white and 3 pairs of colored) were part of every Christmas gift because she didn't ever want us to wear darned or mended socks.  She also made sure we had coats and gloves and warm things to wear in winter. 

While dejunking my house this past week I've stumbled on things Mom gave me and the kids over the years that are just so practical even today and mean so much more than they did then.

Thank you, Mom!

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