Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Four Weeks from Today!

Four weeks from today is a big day for the Petersens! 

That's the day Willie reports to the Provo MTC to start his official service as a missionary.  We still have so much to do to get ready for everything. 

Most of the clothes shopping is done; just working on getting the little things purchased and ready to pack.  Getting a missionary ready for service is not an easy thing to do.  I am so glad we have had a few months to get things done.

We've had some fun getting ready.  We've been spending Friday afternoons together going to Mr. Mac's and the LDS Distribution center (ha ha).  Mostly we drive around listening to weird songs on the 60's station.  So, we were driving down Redwood Road and "What's new Pussycat" by Tom Jones came on.  The song is insane and we laughed like crazy listening to the words, you know, "You and your pussycat nose, wo-a-wo-a!"  Crazy lyrics and crazy singer.

We've taken the same pair of suit pants to Mr. Mac's 3 times and we are still waiting for the right length to happen. Getting the right fit on the new underwear at the church store has required repeat trips, too.  There are too many fabrics to choose from and you can't open the package to look at what you are getting.   But, I think we are getting closer to the fabrics Willie likes and the right combination of tops and bottoms. 

Willie is reading and memorizing all 900+ pages of the B of M, D & C, a 1937 publication of the Missionary Handbook (he found at Grandpa's house), and more.  He is also practicing the ukulele for a future musical number and teaching himself to speak Lithuanian with the CDs he got for his birthday.  In his spare time, he is doing some tutoring work at Hunter, Kearns High and Kearns Junior, Taylorsville High School and West Lake Junior and he plays weird games on the iPad.  He's been to the dentist twice this week and comes to visit me at work every now and then.  It's been fun getting ready and spending time hanging out. 


Some of the things left on our list:

clothes hangers
twin size sheets (2)
sunscreen, lip balm (I think they mean chap stick)
alarm clock - no music playing components
passport holder (for wearing close to the body)
voltage/electrical adaptor
thermal underwear
24 month supply of vitamin D
duct tape

1 comment:

Bing Math said...
