Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One Week and Ready!

We are at the final countdown with just one week until that son of mine reports for missionary duty.  Annie and Haley (mostly Annie) have prepared a "12 days before your mission" extravaganza for Willie.  Each day begins with a nice poem and includes a nice gift or activity.  We set everything up on the couch and so far the prizes have been:
Day 12 - 2/14: stationary, address book, stamps

Day 11 - 2/15: vitamins and vitamin d

Day 10 - 2/16: Band-Aids and mini first aid kit

Day 9 -   2/17: Tylenol and Advil

Day 8  -  2/18: mini umbrella

Day 7  -  2/19: Wednesday night dinner with grandpa and some sort of yummy treat - at mom's house.

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