Monday, August 25, 2014

Longest blog post ever . . . .

So what do I do in my spare time now that Willie is on a mission and our washing, cleaning, eating, talking, entertaining, going, doing, washing more, talking, eating more, etc., have been minimized?  Well I manage to see each day whisked away with about the same limited time left for getting things done. By the end of the day, I still have things to do and no time to get them done.

I am a mom or grandmamma to 10 and wife to one. I am a daughter to my dad.  Sister to seven, sister-in-law to 14 and aunt, great aunt or aunt-in-law to around 43.  I think about all of these people every day.  I pray for them and hope that they will all make good choices and be nice and kind to everyone they meet, encounter, work with, go to school and church with, etc.  I make sure we have dinner as a family almost every Sunday.  I communicate with my kids nearly every day.  We go to Utah basketball games as a family and attend the grand chillins' soccer, t-ball, basketball, baseball, dance, pre-school programs, and more as many as possible. I talk to my dad or visit him every day.  I fix dinner for Dad every Wednesday and invite whoever to join us. I help Dad get ready for bed on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and spend a fair amount of time with him on Saturday. I go out to his house on Sunday mornings to help him with buttons on his white shirt and make his bed.  (Dee usually takes him to church.)  I also cut his hair every three weeks and buzz his ear hair every Saturday.

For the first time in 13 years (while living in Hunter) I am not in a leadership calling in church service.  I teach Sunday School to 10 or so amazing young people ages 17 and 18+.  I have learned more in my time as a Sunday School teacher than I have in many years of church leadership.  My first church calling came at age 13 when I was called to be a co-teacher in Primary with Veda Hill.  We taught the Co-Pilots (not sure of the age but it was fun).  Primary was during the week so it didn't interfere with my age-group assignments.  As a young adult, I taught a Sunday School class and managed to get roped into being in charge of a road show or two.  As a married person I served as a Young Women's leader and in the Primary.  While living in Lake Ridge, I taught Primary and Young Women and served as the Ward Librarian.  I also took on the Primary Presidency a couple of times, did a few more road shows, served as the Bishop's wife and with Karl as the Stake Specialists over a play and other activities. I also had a brief opportunity to be the Primary chorister, my all-time favorite church calling.  Over the years Karl and I have also been in charge of ward dinners and stake and ward activities.  You need to know that whatever calling I (we) do, my (our) family also does it and visa versa. When I total up all the years it's like 47 years of serving in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Pretty cool!

I work full-time and have done so for 32 years (not ot mention part-time for 6 years) as a professional educator.  I actually started working at Huber's Market at age 12, but I can't really call that work because it was really hanging out with my grandparents every day (summers only).  When I started to drive, work at the grocery store extended to Saturdays and then Friday afternoons and Saturdays.  I think I worked at the grocery store longer than any of my siblings (they got better jobs).  I also spent some time working for Valley Bank (back in the day).  I never could balance my till - no wonder I am always running out of money.  Good thing Karl never spends any $$$$.

I currently spend my work time as an administrator at the Granite School District Office where I oversee school counselors and social workers K-12 and the programs they implement, AVID and LIA, a US Department of Ed counseling grant, Positive Behavior Supports and really anything related to high school graduation and college and career readiness in Granite District.

I take a class whenever I can.  In May I completed a 9 week course on how to facilitate an on-line class for graduate level students.  It was very rigorous and took a lot of time, but I am glad I did it.  Last summer I took an online course on college and career readiness.  For the degrees and licenses I have, I spent 13 years in post high school courses.  I have taught at the pre-school (in my home), junior high, high school, adult education, and graduate levels. 

I am a Past President of the Utah School Counselors Association (USCA) and have served on the USCA Governing Board until recently.  I have also served a three-year elected term as Guidance Division Vice President of the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) and as a member of a policy committee for that organization off and on for 15 years or so.  I have been a PTA Board member, a room mother, and helped with field days, maturation programs and other PTA stuff.

I love the ocean.  This summer I have seen both the Pacific and Atlantic and I must say I prefer the Pacific.  There are no surfer-type, Beach Boy beaches in the world like Huntington Beach (a.k.a. the HB).  I like to cook, really, for my family.  My specialties are high in calories and served on Sunday - roast beef/roast pork, mashed potatoes (or brown betties), and gravy; beef brisket and fried potatoes (bacon fat); ham and au gratin or yummy potatoes; and hot rolls to go with every meal.  I also make a pretty mean lasagna and a few other things. I love music of the 50's and 60's - my mom always had the radio on in the car and records playing on the stereo.  I don't really have a most favorite musical group but I like the Beach Boys and Beatles and America and all music that inspires and motivates.  My favorite colors are earth tones/autumn colors in my house and red for most other things.  Annie and Haley used to tease me that my favorite color was tan or black and white checked things.

There is really nothing better in this world than spending time with my family - eating and talking and laughing and singing and just having fun.  I am who I am because I have an amazingly supportive and responsible husband and three of the best kids in the universe.  I so appreciate all they have done to make my life what it has been and will yet be. 

The End!

1 comment:

fivewoods said...

Great Post! You are a great example to me. I'm proud to be your sister!!!!