Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Happy Anniversary

So what do people do when they celebrate 39 years of marriage?  When you don't know, you can always Google!

The 39 year Anniversary Facts and Figures

On the 39th anniversary of your marriage you would have been married for 14,235 days or 341,640 hours or 20,498,400 minutes which is over 1,229 million seconds!  During this time you would have shared, on average, over 106,700 hours of snuggle time (sleeping!) or about 12 years, 2 months; assuming you don’t work together you’ve been apart for over 82,461 hours which is about 9 years, 5 months. You would have by now shared about 31,100 meals together which equates to approximately 2 years, 1 months of continuous eating!

According to the website, lace is the modern theme for 39th wedding anniversary gifts.
Well, enough of all that.

So back to my initial question, what do people do when they celebrate 39 years of marriage?  Well for us, we ventured out to dinner Monday night at Ruth's Diner in Emigration Canyon.  We were seated outside on the patio and enjoyed a yummy dinner (yes I know it is a do not eat out week for the Healthy Living Challenge but anniversaries only come once a year) and live music.  A beautiful young guitarist/vocalist and her dad guitarist/vocalist performed some folksy tunes for the diner quests.  It was very relaxing and made for a very nice evening. The cool canyon air was crisp, pine-scented and fall-like. When we got back home, I ran a few errands and Karl payed bills.

So there you have it a 39th year anniversary celebration.  Maybe for our 40th anniversary we will make it to Niagara Falls and Karl will give me a ruby something, or not, and that's just fine.

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