Sunday, April 13, 2008

Another Sunday -----

I look forward to Sunday afternoon. Sunday is really the only day I take time to plan and prepare a nice dinner. There is always so much going on during the week, that my last priority ends up being "what's for dinner?" Needless to say, Karl and Willie are attended to and they don't look like they go without, it's just that planning and preparing dinner require energy, and energy, and more energy. Most late afternoons when I get home from the D.O., I am more interested in talking to the men in my house and listening to their experiences of the day than I am in preparing a meal.

So, back to Sunday . . . not only do I enjoy planning and preparing a nice dinner, but I also look forward to having family here with the three of us. Karl's mom usually joins us along with Annie, Ross, Elliott, Haley and James. It is the best part of every week. Although the food is fantastic, it pales in comparison to the entertainment . . . E L L I O T T! He is growing so fast and what a joy he is! We all just sit and watch him go about the house. It's great fun for all of us!

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