Thursday, May 15, 2008

My lilac bushes are bee-u-tee-ful!

I don't know what it is about the lilacs (shape, color, scent), but they are just so awesome!

I hope they last a few weeks. I am so excited to get my yard in shape and it is just so much more pleasant when the lilacs are in bloom.

Lilacs remind me of an old fashioned garden. Aside from roses, there is no flower as beautiful and aromatic as lilacs. Of the two, lilacs have a stronger scent that carries quite a distance. Unfortunately, lilacs bloom for only a very brief couple weeks in the spring. Once the buds begin to open, I pray for a cool dry spell. Once the blooms are over, I still have a nice shade bush, but I have to wait for up to fifty more weeks to see them again.

Lilacs in the United States date back to the mid 1750's. They were grown in America's first botanical gardens and were popular in New England. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew them in their gardens. Lilac bushes can live for hundreds of years, so a bush planted at that time may still be around. Lilacs originated from Europe and Asia, with the majority of natural varieties coming from Asia. In Europe, lilacs came from the Balkans, France and Turkey.


Anonymous said...

wow! good picture mom. Did you take it yourself?

I'm impressed.

Bing Math said...

I thought they smelled delicious! - Haley