Friday, December 05, 2008

Away from home --

For many years in December (I think 12), I have been attending national counseling and guidance meetings. This year my meetings have been in Charlotte, NC. It's hard to leave home to go anywhere in December, but my family always manages to survive okay without me. I head home tomorrow but not before some early morning work. I have learned a lot, and I have been inspired by the work of many great educators, but I am so very anxious to get home. Hopefully, some of my knowledge and inspiration will transfer to my family and my work in schools.

I want to get home fast -- to give my boys (Dad and Willie) a big hug, see my girls and their families -- my little grandson needs a big kiss, and I need to make sure my parents and other family members are doing okay. I need to get my Christmas decorations up, get my house cleaned, and a bunch of other stuff done -- like my Christmas shopping.


Staples said...

and you need to check on your big college neices and nephews

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home, mom!