Sunday, January 04, 2009

A beautiful day . . .

Yesterday was just about the most beautiful day I have ever seen. It snowed well into the late night Friday, early morning Saturday. It was so cold Saturday morning that the snow stayed on the trees all day. About 3:00 p.m. I left to run some errands. As I turned the corner to head east on 4100 South, I couldn't help but be energized and happy by what I saw. The snow sparkled everywhere. The valley was covered in it's snowy glory. The trees were naturally flocked, and the sky was the most impeccable blue! I couldn't keep from smiling as a drove along. What a beautiful day!


Bing Math said...

Pretty days are my favorite. I love clean air.

Annie said...

mom- you typed your words wrong.

isn't it syupposed to say make instead of may?