Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I spent most of my day in a boring meeting --- arrggg! I have been to my share of meetings over the years. Some time ago I made a "meeting-o-meter" (kind of like an applause meter on old time television shows) to assess each meeting's relevance. The meter ranged from Wow! to Snooze! The secretaries in the office got so they looked forward to my spin on the meter. Well, today's meeting didn't even register. We educators (at the administration level at least) spend so much time in meetings. Like most meetings, not much to show for the 4 hours of time except a few handouts that I will probably never look at again. I will try to update my bog when I attend one of those "Wow" meetings. I'm due for one of those any day now.

P.S. Just 10 days until Christmas!

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