Tuesday, November 15, 2011

At 35,000 Feet!

So, I am headed home from a two-day meeting in the Washington, DC area. It was an excellent meeting and I learned a lot and now have more to add to my already crazy work life.

I am working on the plane, headed home, above 35,000 feet. Pretty crazy if you ask me! Technology is totally amazing!

My meetings ended at the Russell Senate Building located just south of the US Capitol. In room 325 I attended a very excellent briefing on a recent survey of school counselors that included some pretty incredible results. I can report later if you are interested.

Other news -- Willie is an official member of the HHS b-ball team. We are all looking forward to an improved basketball year. Willie is a little more confident and ready to move into more of a leadership role on the team, and that is good!

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