Monday, September 03, 2007

Everyone celebrates differently . . .

When wedding anniversaries roll around, most couples look forward to a romantic getaway. For Karl and me, the best way to celebrate is to do something fun with the kids. Granted we have had a couple of Mom and Dad overnight anniversaries in Park City, but we really look at our wedding anniversay as a time to celebrate as a family. Mostly, over the years, we have just gone out for pizza or burgers.

Since our anniversary generally falls on Labor Day weekend, we have taken trips to Yellowstone at least five of the last seven or eight years. Before the girls were married -- sometimes they'd join us, sometimes we brought the gradnparents along. But this year we invited the married kids and their families to join us for a fast a furrious trip to Yellowstone.

We left after Willie's football game on Saturday afternoon. The trip was great fun! In true Petersen fashion, we saw things in a hurry and then moved onto the next. Probably the best part of the trip was just hangin' out with Karl and the family for a couple of days. We had just average rooms in West Yellowstone; ate at a nice coffee shop for breakfast Sunday morning; had burgers and dogs for lunch in Mammoth Hot Springs; and topped the day off with pizza and pasta at "Petes" that night.

I love being with the family -- I have the best family ever. Any time we are together is a time to celebrate -- our blessings, our good health, our closeness, our good company . . .

Next year -- maybe Niagra Falls!

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