Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner has always been an important part of my family's culture. Even though Sunday is a day of rest, the women folk always seem to work hard to put together especially tasty meals for their families on that day. Sometimes Sunday is the only day my family gets a "clean meal" (in Great-Grandpa Huber lingo).

My favorite Sunday dinner is roast beef and roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy. When I was a little girl I loved going to my Grandma Huber's house for Sunday dinner for that particular menu. If I close my eyes and think really hard (I know that's not easy) I can imagine the essence of her gravy -- it was sooooo good.

Sunday dinner is now the gathering time for my family. Everyone knows there is an open invitation for dinner sometime between 4:30 and 5:00 every Sunday afternoon. Grandma Petersen usually joins us, too. She says it is the highlight of her week.

In the last month we've added a high chair for Elliott so that means 9 at the table. In addition to good food and good company, there are always many discussion topics, some controversial. But, most of the discussions center on what happened at church and were there any Criddle outbreaks.

Today's Menu
Ham and Baked Salmon with Dill Sauce
Yummy (Funeral) Potatoes
Coleslaw (and Caesar Salad for Annie)
Hot Rolls with Butter and Honey
Ice Water
For Dessert
Pineapple Dream Cake
Hot Fudge Sundae (for Willie)


Annie said...

ola momacita. My fav. dinner is roast beast and roast puerco, too. And, I'm glad that you are willing to fix us dinner every sunday and that elliott sits in a high chair now and doesn't scream.

Bing Math said...

Thanks for dinner mom. What a lovely blog you're hiding!
