Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I will go, I will do . . .

It's been 4 years and 8 months since I've had an interview for a new church calling. I have been serving as the Relief Society President in the Hunter 1st Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints all that time. Church callings are serious business to me -- I put my whole self and my family into them (callings) so much that when it comes time to move on, it is very difficult. I have really grown in this calling, my family and I have received countless blessings, I have grown very close to the sisters, the bishop, and many others in the ward.

I had to be converted to Relief Society. Up until the presidency calling I had served only briefly as a teacher now and again. Most of my church service has been in the Primary auxiliary (I thought that a Primary calling was the only "true" calling, forever). But Relief Society has grown on me, in me, around me, . . . We have the best Relief Society sisters in the whole universe right in our ward. We have the best teachers, ever. And, most important of all, we have fun!

I met with the Stake President tonight, and he extended a call to me to serve at the 1st counselor in the Hunter Central Stake Relief Society. I accepted. I don't know how you can be a good and faithful member of the church and not accept the callings as they come. So with tears in my eyes and with a full and emotionally charged heart, I accepted.

The sustaining may take place on Sunday -- I guess I'll wear two hats for awhile. What a great experience I have had!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Wow Mom! Congratulations? I guess the only way I find out stuff about you is through your blog now?

Thanks for being my mom and for the second hand blessings. I need everything I can get.