Tuesday, May 26, 2009

People say the strangest things . . .

I have been involved in year end interviews at work. Basically, they are just quick visits with the counselors to celebrate the school year, share goals for next school year, and get ideas on how I can improve my work at the D.O. When given the opportunity, people share the strangest things. For example one of the counselors I talked with today told me that her husband of 30+ years goes to bed at seven and gets up at four in the morning (What????). She says he's always done that. Another counselor tried to explain that the reson things are not going well at school is becuase of "that group" of "those kids" that come from a poorer area of the district, "well you know!" (What???!!!) We are living in the 21st Century and there are still biases and prejudices for "those" whoever they are! The first ground rule of counseling is acceptance of all students, unconditionally!

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Is there a relationship between the guy who goes to bed at 7:00 and "those kids?" Is he afraid that "they" come out at night?