Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Student of the Month

My son is 9th grade boy student of the month at his junior high. He is a pretty good boy, and it's always nice that others recognize his qualities. I know he is pretty quiet at school, but when he comes home his personality shines. He makes a laugh, he is a hard worker, he loves his little nephews, he accepts responsibility, he has amazing bodily functions, and more.
I think I am most proud of my son because he is kind and nice to others. He has a wide variety of kids/friends who like to hang out with him -- they play video games, tennis, and basketball, and do their homework and help each other out.
He's my son of the month year long!


Staples said...

yay sir william!!!! glad your my cousin!!!!!!!!!!!

Bing Math said...

I didn't know you were student of the month. Do they give you a car for that?