Sunday, November 25, 2007

The most boring BLOGGER --

No one ever comments on my BLOG postings. I am the most boring blogger in the universe (sniff sniff)! I guess I will just have to end it all (blogging that is) this week when nablopomo comes to an end. I know all of you will be very happy when you don't have to read my boring bloggings.


Annie said...

momacita -

I read your blog every day and still haven't linked to you, as per your request, even though everyone else has.

I'll start commenting more.


Anonymous said...

SOrry Judy, Iread your blog all of the time, but i just never comment, so I'm sorry don't feel bad!!!!!!


Jodi said...

I don't have anything to say on my own dang blog, I can't waste a thought on yours.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Mama. I read your blog. It's just more intellectual than others. Plus, you are generally very comprehensive in your posts and nothing more needs to be said. Don't cry. It's okay. - Haley