Thursday, September 25, 2008

What are kids reading?

I went to junior high parent teacher conferences yesterday afternoon/evening. You know, that's where the teachers all squish into the cafeteria sitting at tables with big signs hanging over their heads. There's a small amount of space for each teacher where parents and students line up (for hours) waiting for their turn to see what's up with the student's grades -- assignments turned in, general behavior, etc. Nothing is said to let parents and students know about their LEARNING -- Do the kids get this? Do they understand that? -- absolutely NOTHING. For me, it's a chance to observe teacher behavior, look at their long lines, and decide which teachers I don't want my kids to have.

That said, the other part of P/T conferences is the Book Fair -- you know that, too -- where the hot titles of the day are on sale for parents to purchase for their kid's good job at turning in assignments (not learning). What are some of the titles this fall?

Breaking Dawn -- vampire love story
Believe it or Not -- tattoo history 1010
Secret Codes -- for video games
Top Girl Picks (no such category for boys -- I guess they read the girl stuff)
Zoey Dean's Talent -- no matter how important and famous you are, friendship comes first
The Wild Girls -- how coming of age means finding your own answers
The Clique -- bratfest at Tiffany's
The Ashleys -- girls that rule the school, they are gorgeous

If we are what we read? You be the judge -----

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Mom, I think Granger is getting to you. Sometimes students actually doing the assignments does give a good indicator of what they know. They do it, they know it. They don't do it, the probably didn't get it and quit.

Strange books, though.